Rethinking food as animate

Rethinking food as animate

Shared by Lisa-Marie Gagliardi . With a magnifying glass over the lens of the iPad camera, Laura and I captured photos of decomposing apples. I posted these photos on the classrooms walls inviting responses from children, parents, and educators. The apples seemed to be unrecognizable 

Food, death & obligation

Food, death & obligation

Shared by Lisa-Marie Gagliardi . Curious about the more-than-human relations in pedagogical spaces, I paused with a group of children and looked at a collection of decomposing apples in a plastic milk crate. Together we noticed the life crawling around, between, through, on and in 

Paying attention to the apples

Paying attention to the apples

Shared by Lisa-Marie Gagliardi . An old apple tree stands in the childcare centre playground. The sporadic spring weather slowed the growth of the apples this summer and in late summer the apples fall to the ground before ripening. The children are curious to taste