Gagliardi, L-M. (submitted). Rethinking food pedagogies as a more-than-human concern. In I. Torres, D. Powell, D. Ruge (Eds.), Schoolfood, Equity and Social Justice. Routledge.
Gagliardi, L-M. (submitted). Common worlding food pedagogies in early childhood education. eceLINK: Common Worlding in Early Childhood Education Special Issue: Fall 2020.
Gagliardi, L-M. & Andrejas, T. (2020, May 29-June 4). (Re)imagining pedagogy in times of climate crisis. [Abstract accepted for cancelled presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, London, Ontario, Canada.
Gagliardi, L-M. & Land, N. (2019). “Against redemptive tree pedagogies.” Early Childhood Pedagogies Collaboratory,
Gagliardi, L-M. & Berry, A. (2019, Aug 27-31). Thinking pedagogically with the lifedeath of food. Paper presented at the Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers International Conference, London, UK.
Gagliardi, L-M. & Khattar, R. (2019, Apr 5-9). Fooding collaboratory manifesto. Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
Gagliardi, L-M., Khattar, R., & Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. (2018, Oct 24-26). Transforming outdoor education perspectives through critical engagement with climate action pedagogies. Poster presented at The Lawson Foundation Outdoor Play and Early Learning Policy Research Symposium.
Khattar, R. (2018). Pedagogies in Troubled Democratic Times. (May 2018). Keynote presented at Wonder of Learning Conference. Seattle, Washington, USA.
Gagliardi, L-M. (2018). “Palatable pedagogies.” Early Childhood Pedagogies Collaboratory,
Khattar, R. & Woodburn, A. (April 2018). Innovative Pedagogies Transforming our
More-than-human Relations. Presented at Canadian Association for Young Children National Conference. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Khattar, R., Gagliardi, L-M. & Simon, M. (2019, Sep 11). “Whose lives are grievable in the capitalist logics of the Anthropocene?” Common Worlds,
Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. Khattar, R, and Mont-Petit, M. (2019). Reconfiguring early childhood education: Common worlding pedagogies. In S. Jagger (Ed.). Early years education and care in Canada: A historical and philosophical overview. Toronto: Canadian Scholars.
Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. and Khattar, R. (2018).Nurturing ecological relationships: Closing the real gap. Ministry Research Brief. Ontario Ministry of Education.
Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. & Khattar, R. (2019). Early Years Pedagogies: the challenge of thinking with curricula that are responsive to the complexities of the times in which we live. Presented at George Brown Summer Institute, Toronto.